Advice for managing Coronavirus at home

10 Top Tips

  1. Early recognition – any new (or onset within the last 7 days) continuous cough or fever is possible Coronavirus.
  2. Don’t panic – most people will be able to self-manage without contacting their GP or 111. Everyone needs to follow simple steps to reduce their symptoms and avoid infecting others. DO NOT go to the GP practice or A&E.
  3. Get educated  – NHS inform will help you assess your symptoms. It is updated daily so has the most up to date advice as things keep changing. If you are short of breath (i.e. not able to walk upstairs or are having difficulty speaking in sentences) then phone your GP practice or 111. Only phone 999 if you feel it is an emergency.
  4. Self-isolate  – stop the virus spreading by self-isolating for 7 days from the onset of symptoms and follow information on NHS inform on how to do this. Effective self-isolation will stop your friends and family getting infected (see picture below).
  5. Rest, paracetamol and fluids are crucial especially with fever – aim for a minimum of 10x 300ml mugs of fluid a day. Avoid alcohol. Water, diluting juice or fruit juice are ideal.  Aim for regular clear or mildly yellow urine and to be able to pee every 4 hours except when asleep at night. If you have not passed urine in over 4 hours, have dark yellow urine, feel thirsty or dizzy on standing then there is a high chance you are dehydrated and you need to drink lots more as a priority.
  6. Food is less important than fluids – if able to eat then have lots of fruit and vegetables as these will help your immune system fight the infection.
  7. Stop certain medications – some drugs are unsafe when you are unwell, especially ones to lower your blood pressure, and anti-inflammatories. Look at the ‘Sick Day Rules’ card for more information (below).  Restart these medications 48 hours after you are eating and drinking normally. 
  8. Get support – call family/friends/community members and ask them to deliver supplies. People in the same house as you do not need to self-isolate if they have no symptoms.
  9. For children follow advice from the excellent When Should I Worry Website
  10. You can return to work after 7 days if you’re improving but do not need to be symptom free. Contact the GP practice if you are not improving after 7 days.